PR Viestintäpäivä 13.4.2016 Turussa Markkinoinnin, viestinnän ja myynnin digitalisoituminen Valmennuksen vetäjänä professori Heikki Karjaluoto...
Puolustusvoimien viestintäjohtaja Mika Kalliomaa: puolustusvoimissa tarvitaan avointa ja nopeaa viestintää...
Tarinankerronnan asiantuntijat Juhana Torkki, Mervi Rauhala ja Tarja Vikström opastivat mistä aineksista syntyy hyvä tarina...
Journalismin konkari, VTM Juhani Heimonen on kutsuttu Senior Advisoriksi PR Viestintä Princepsiin...
Turussa pohdittiin sosiaalisen median ja digijulkisuuden mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita…
PR Viestintäpäivä DIGI&SOME asiantuntijona Lilly Korpiola, Pekka Huttunen, Jenni Salomaa, Susanna Tirkkonen ja Juhani Heimonen...
Muuriankkurissa puolustusministöriön viestintäjohtaja Jyrki Iivonen avaa käsitteitä "julkisuuden kentät" ja "leimahdukset"...
PR Viestintäpäivässä asiantuntijoina Elisa Juholin, Olli-Pekka Nissinen, Saara Malila ja Juhani Heimonen...
You cannot control publicity, but you can influence it. A systematic, quality approach to the management of media connections makes your company and brand stand out. We are experts in the demands of the press and understand how the media works. We transform your company's messages into press releases that will meet the demands of different media. We can even handle media conference arrangements for you and assist in contacting journalists.
We plan and implement corporate events, exhibition stands and all related communications and materials. Our reliable co-operative partners are in charge of the architectural design of a company's stand so that it is in line with the corporate image.
A distinguished website serves as the company's business card and a low-cost marketing channel. Our services include website concept design, contents production and the visual and technical implementation.
PowerPoint presentations make company presentations and sales situations more convincing and assist in getting the message through. Each salesperson and representative of the company should have a clear and interesting company presentation available to show during customer calls. We make PowerPoint presentations that are easily comprehensible and visually interesting.
A multimedia presentation is an excellent tool for describing your company's operations in an illustrative and interesting fashion. Multimedia presentations combine the various elements of communications: pictures, video, sound and text.
Pyhän Katariinan tie 7, PL 76, 20781 Kaarina. Puh. (02) 255 7713, 0400 447 382