PR Viestintäpäivä 13.4.2016 Turussa Markkinoinnin, viestinnän ja myynnin digitalisoituminen Valmennuksen vetäjänä professori Heikki Karjaluoto...
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Tarinankerronnan asiantuntijat Juhana Torkki, Mervi Rauhala ja Tarja Vikström opastivat mistä aineksista syntyy hyvä tarina...
Journalismin konkari, VTM Juhani Heimonen on kutsuttu Senior Advisoriksi PR Viestintä Princepsiin...
Turussa pohdittiin sosiaalisen median ja digijulkisuuden mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita…
PR Viestintäpäivä DIGI&SOME asiantuntijona Lilly Korpiola, Pekka Huttunen, Jenni Salomaa, Susanna Tirkkonen ja Juhani Heimonen...
Muuriankkurissa puolustusministöriön viestintäjohtaja Jyrki Iivonen avaa käsitteitä "julkisuuden kentät" ja "leimahdukset"...
PR Viestintäpäivässä asiantuntijoina Elisa Juholin, Olli-Pekka Nissinen, Saara Malila ja Juhani Heimonen...
The process of planning communications involves the creation of the rules for communications and public relations, and the setting of both short- and long-term goals. The communications strategy describes in which ways the company intends to achieve the goals set for its communications.
We get acquainted with the client's business and draw up a pragmatic communications strategy to specify what, how, when and to whom the company should communicate. Together with the client, we define the core messages for the company. The client receives, as practical tools for future use, a documented communications strategy and a communications plan.
For a company, the logo and related corporate image are an essential part of communications. A coherent corporate image not only makes marketing much more efficient, but also lends credibility to the company.
We plan the visual identity for your company, and assist in transforming your services and products into a clear, concise sales message. The corporate image design may include, for example, the design of a logo, a slogan, business cards, stationery, and templates for print advertising and PPT presentations.
Responsibility has become an increasingly important part of corporate reputation. A responsibly operating company exceeds the statutory requirements and assumes responsibility for the impacts of the company's operations on the environment, society and stakeholders. A responsible company is a desired brand, an attractive workplace and a lucrative investment.
Stakeholder communications has grown to play a key role in the building of the corporate citizenship image and management of reputation. We assist your company in communicating about your responsible actions, thus turning responsibility into a competitive factor.
Pyhän Katariinan tie 7, PL 76, 20781 Kaarina. Puh. (02) 255 7713, 0400 447 382